The Dirty Dozen & The Clean Fifteen: the Sequel to the original KidNutriYum post
The original guidelines summarized in October of 2014 were based on data from 2000-2008. The USDA doesn’t test every food each year, but...

Back to School Snack Ideas
As we start thinking about “back to school”, the idea of planning and preparing school lunches and snacks is a daunting task for many...

Yogurt: The Good, The Bad, & The Controversial
As with nearly all the foods we feed our families, there is some controversy as to whether or not yogurt is a healthy source of nutrition....

Boosting Nutrition with Hemp Seeds
Hemp seeds are considered to be nutritionally complete: they include all of the essential amino acids in an easily digestible form, are...

Salt: The Good, The Bad, and The Controversial
There has been a substantial amount of media attention focused on the dangers of salt and the association of over-consumption with high...

From Formula to Cow’s Milk
A KidNutriYum reader has asked me to discuss the transition from baby formula to cow’s milk. There are three main questions that need to...

The Bread Conundrum
Before I even begin, I have to dispel one important myth. Bread and carbohydrates do not cause weight gain! (calorie intake > calorie...